IOS- IASA 4thd Joint Workshop & AsiaBarometer Workshop 2013 "Understanding Changing Faces of Asian Societies"
How Social Inequality is being Written in Taiwanese Sociology Textbooks
Difference or Differentiation? Some Thoughts on the Cross-Cultural Studies
Comparing Media Activism in Spain, Germany and Japan: Global Problems and Local Solutions.
When Huntington Meets China: Analysis of Chinese People's Desire for Political Participation
Regime Type and Political Trust: A Quantitative Analysis on 26 Asian-Pacific Societies
Political Institution and Trust: A Cross-national Comparative Study with AsiaBarometer Database
An Assessment of the State's Role in Governing Culture and Arts in Japan
Health Inequality and Health Promotion: Lessons from Other Countries
Gender Inequality Perception: A Comparative Study of Women in Japan and Indonesia
*GSII: Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo
*GSHS: Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo
*GSLP: Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo