
Kenro Tanaka
I will introduce the facet of present Vietnam through the history of the Nangaku Japanese Language Class and circumstances of the students, after having finished two years of studying there.
The comparison of children of today to people of the new generation among the students symbolises the social change of the present time
Given the fact that Japanese and Chinese ancient works of art change hands quite frequently, consideration needs to be given to the works of art by both donors and recipients. As a suitable example, we will introduce the donation of the UEMURA Wado Collection to the Nezu Institute of Fine Arts.
SUGA Yutaka
In a mountainous area of Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Province, China, people still make paper in a traditional way. The paper is made from bamboo, which is cut from the mountains and fields and then passes through a complicated process of several stages taking over half a year. This would make it the most sumptuous paper in the world. This paper is used for ...
On January 27, 2008, the news of former Indonesian president Suharto's death was announced to the world. During his regime, a strong central administrative framework was established, but by the 1990s, strains on this framework were surfacing in the form of economic instability and uprisings calling for democratization, with an influence that began to have a major impact on various areas of society.
Hiroyuki Hoshiro
Two books were published in 1997 by the same editor and the same publisher, with the subtitles "Japan and Asia" and "Germany in Europe" .A single preposition thus gives a clear indication of how the two nations which lost the Second World War have resumed relations with their neighbours in the postwar period. It is my impression that compared with Germany, Japan is still considered to be outside the framework of Asia. In other words, it has not yet become dissolved into the solution that is "Asia".
Hidemi Hashimoto
Recently the Institute of Oriental Culture received a donation of eleven rare Chinese literary works from the collection of Zenjiro Yasuda, including a number of Shohei era (1346-1370) editions of the Analects of Confucius. I would like in this short report to introduce the eleven items briefly and explain their significance. ....
Mika Inoue
Manhattan is a graphic representation of the United States as a “melting pot” of people of diverse origins. The driver of the taxi I happened to be riding in one day was a middle-aged man who, unusually for his profession, had been born and raised in Manhattan. He told me that he had never traveled outside the United States (with the exception of Canada). “I have never needed to,” he explained, “because people from all over the world come to me and tell me lots of different things.”.....................