ベーガンプーリー=マスジッド(Bgampr Masjid)として知られており,ベーガンプル部落の西南隅にある。附図.G-12
The Begampr Masjid. Located in the southwestern section of Begampr village. Grid ref. G-12. Ill. 13-14.
This is one of the largest existing mosques dating from the Delhi Sultanate. The exterior measures 91 metres north to south and 95 metres east to west. It has a vast courtyard with a prayer hall on the western side and single-bayed arcades on the other three sides, with domed gateways located in the centre of each. The main gateway is on the east. The prayer hall has a main chamber surmounted by a large dome with adjoining prayer rooms, eight bays wide and two bays deep, on the northern and southern sides. The severe but imposing facade of the central prayer hall consists of a very tall arch with tapering pylon-shaped quoins at either end. A total of 64 small domes surmount the prayer hall and arcades. Another building, 16.7 m by 21.3 m, with balconies on the north and east, projects from the northern side of the northern prayer room. This is thought to have had a specialized use; it has long been called the Mullah’s Room (mullh-khna) or the women’s room (zanna).
This mosque is generally considered to have been built in the time of Frz Shh Tughluq (r. 1351-88), but much still remains unclear about its construction history. However, there is no doubt that it belongs to the Tughluq dynasty in terms of building technique and style. About 60 metres north of the mosque lies Bijay Mandal (O. 6, Ill. 145-146), probably part of a palace complex said to have been constructed by Muammad Shh Tughluq (r. 1325-51); a possible connection between the palace and the mosque is of considerable interest. Period Ⅱ.
IOC:Ⅷ-33; ASI:Ⅲ-270.