@Natural Science
No. Name Description
1 Islamic Area Studies Rich website summarizes 5 year research results of gTHE ISLAMIC AREA STUDIES PROJECTh since 1997. IOC had supervised of the Research Unit 5 gIslamic History and Cultureh.
2 Elucidation of the Active Geosphere from Asia and Oceania to the World,Kyoto University This site summarizes findings of COE project on dynamics of the earth, in particular of Asia and Oceania. This website opensgReal-Time Observationshthat provide live views and other relevant databases. It also containsgTidbit of the Week, h Field Research Reports, information about meetings, special lectures, explanations of technical terms.
3 Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University The Division of Southeast Asian Area Studies incorporates three departments related to Southeast Asia and another one related to South and West Asia.
4 Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS),Kyoto University This site contains information about fellowships and post openings, research, library, publication, database (including Thai) and other links.
5 The Center for Northeast Asian Studies (CNEAS), Tohoku University This site contains information about meetings, joint projects, international exchange, publication and links. gSiberia & Mongolia Image Databaseh provides satellite images, which are utilized for the research on environment issues in northeast Asia (English, Mongolian and Chinese).
6 Japan Association for Middle East Studies This site contains Contributor's Corner on "the Question of Iraq", information about meetings and conferences, activities of members, back numbers of AJAMES, newsletter, online search and links.
7 Research & Education on Integrated River Basin Management in Asian Monsoon Region,Namanashi University This site offers event summaries, announcements, information about gVirtual Academyhand links.